Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 15, 2008

It finally happened

A couple months ago Mikayla was eating a rice crispy at her friends house. When she bit into the rice crispy, which was hard, it knocked her two bottom teeth loose. We didn't think it would take long for them to come out but she insisted on letting them fall out on there own. Only in the last couple weeks has she taken an interest in wiggling one of them. Well, last night before dinner she came in and showed me how loose it was. The back side was no longer attached. I sent her to the bathroom and Dad was soon to follow. She was a little nervous about the whole thing so I told her I would give her a candy from my candy necklace if she could be brave. A minute later I hear her say "it's bleeding!" and start to cry. She was so upset about the blood that when I went to take her picture we had to take a lot in order to get one that looked like she was excited. Well, the tooth fairy came and she was really happy about that. Now she is working on the other one because after all, "it wasn't that bad" . :)


Hadley Family said...

Yeah! We waited longer....Emma was 8 when she lost her first tooth. Can you beleive it? How about that yuck white stuff coming down outside!

Allison Holmes said...

wow I am not looking forward to when this happens to my kids - loose teeth make me nauseous! Is that weird?? =)

The Old Buffington's said...

Good Girl Kayla!!!!!!!
So brave......well now she is.
She needs to loose one more so she can ask santa for her two front teeth. hehehehe

Unknown said...

UGH! I hate loose teeth. Bug loves to wiggle them and make me sick. Little booger. Both Bug and Monkey are getting their two front teeth for Christmas this year. Looks like Mikayla isn't too far behind.