I know it has been a while since I have posted a good update but due to my current mood and state of being it has been hard to find the desire to do so. As most may have noticed, due to my new little ticker up top, we are expecting our third baby.
By far this one has been the hardest pregnancy. Right off the bat I have been sick and have had a really hard time tolerating smells. Although an iron stomach may be nice at times, it can also bite you in the butt. I have had many, many false alarms but once I see the toilet my body freezes up and I can't do it. I wish I wasn't so afraid, yes...afraid to throw up. Maybe if I would get over it I would feel a little better. But no, I have had to rely on a little, or long, nap to sleep it off.
I also have had zero energy. At the end of my day I look at how much I wish I could have done around the house but was not able to do. It is both frustrating and overwhelmingly stressful seeing how untidy my house is. I only have two more weeks to get through before "they say" it will get better. I am looking forward to going on a deep cleaning rampage and getting things done, finally.
This pregnancy has also been very stressful due to being pregnant back in 2008 and loosing the baby early on. I have a lot of empathy for women who go through that now, having had gone through it for myself. I never would have imagined it to be so hard to deal with. What made that worse was it was a surprise pregnancy. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it and once I finally was happy and excited I lost it. With this baby we have had a lot of scares. Early on we thought we were loosing it but after lots of blood work and an ultra sound we were put to ease for a week or so that is. Then it started again and we thought for sure we were dealing with a repeat. It was so hard to think about that because it had taken us so long to get pregnant. A trip to the doctors office and a heartbeat later we came to the conclusion that this was just how it was and the baby would be fine. I felt that and knew that all would be ok.
But enough about me :)
Travis started another semester of school. He will finally have his Associates this spring and then we can move on and get his Bachelors done. It seems as if he has been in school forever. But I guess that is what happens when you can only do part time. He is still over at St. George Ford and at this point I am thinking there must be a reason he is still there. We have been trying with all of our might to move on to something else but it seems this is where he needs to be.
Mikayla is half way done with the first grade. We are needing to decide with in the next week or two, if we are going to keep her at Vista Charter or move her back into a public school. There are pro's and con's to both. Staying would mean she is going to be given the opportunity to learn a lot of things. They are teaching typing, technology, yoga, musical theater, ballet, voice, as well as there academics and many other things. I like the idea behind the uniforms. I like the private school atmosphere. They also have some very wonderful teachers that love the kids and their job. The con's are the drive to get out there. Right now I am car pooling but there has been a lot of unnecessary drama with the car pool moms that I strongly dislike. I never take them in the morning but I am always picking them up. It uses up a lot more gas than I would like. Waiting for other kids that are not yours and dealing with their bad behavior can be a bit much as well. Once I have the baby I can't car pool anymore. My kids alone will fill up the car leaving only one spot for an older child in the front seat. The school is also very new, this is their first year. They still have a lot to figure out and there have been a lot of things promised but no follow through. Most of the kids in Mikayla's school don't live in our area. Therefore she doesn't get to know kids in our area that would be in her public school and those she knows and befriends don't play outside of school because of the distance and parents don't know each other. Also, all homework is done on-line. For the first grade it is their reading. They have to listen to a book, then read the book, then answer questions. I love reading with her but doing it on-line is a challenge because we can't involve Rylan. It is just a lot harder than if they had take home books. We have a lot to think about :)
Rylan is doing well. Before we told him we were expecting he wanted nothing to do with babies. If you put one next to him he would freak out and start saying "I don't like babies, take it away!" LOL. He is slowly warming up to the idea. He is determined for it to be a boy. He wants someone to play with especially since sister doesn't like to play with him. She is more into the barbies and princesses not trains and trucks. We had another test done in December to check his hydronephrosis and are still waiting to hear back from the specialist. Hopefully all is well. :)
Ok, that is going to have to do for now :)
Congratulations! It was fun to see what your family is up to!!
Go to your blog dashboard and click on layout. Make sure you are on page elements and click on add a gadget. In that, click on blog list and there you can make your blog list. Private blogs will not show when they are updated.
When you are feeling better... if you ever want to do a cake promotion, I would love to do a post about it on my dixiemoms.blogspot.com. I am trying to get this local blog about deals going and want some more things to post about. Check it out and tell people about it.
I can't wait to meet Hunt baby #3!! So excited for you guys and glad things are going better. :)
I'm glad to hear that your pregnant and that the baby is doing fine. After my miscarriage, I had a scare with Matt and I thought we'd lose him but I guess that can be normal. I hope the sickness eases up. I'm impressed that you can run a business with two kids and be pregnant. Each one of those by themselves is a challenge. Thanks for the post and good luck.
Congratulations on the baby! I hpe you start feeling better soon. What an adventure you have had lately.
Do you think you would be interested in doin a guest post sometime about your cakes on my craft blog?
Stay strong girl. I went through the exact same things physically and emotionally. I wish I could say it got better for me but the reality is that I couldn't accept Madilynn until she was actually born. I think the shock and constant bleeding kept me from fully enjoying the pregnancy in fear of losing her at any moment. It took a lot of prayers. I think it also contributed to pretty bad post-partum depression. I can promise you that is does get better. We are finally starting to enjoy life with three and all the blessings that come with it. Now that we are not as sleep deprived and the three of them are back to routine. It just takes a bit to get through to the other end. I'm here anytime you want to talk. I'm there with you. Sending hugs and love.
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