Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mikayla's Baptism

I can't believe Mikayla is 8! She started the count down to her Birthday the first part of January and as it got closer she grew more excited and I could also sense some anxiety. But we didn't focus on that. Not only was it going to be her Birthday but she was also going to be baptized on her Birthday. A new dress she picked out as well as eating her favorite food...can't beat that. The morning of her Birthday she woke before the sun came up and had a hard time going back to sleep but eventually did. She still got up before it was time so I told her she could go watch a cartoon before getting ready for school. She was happy about that because she never gets to watch tv before school. Since her Birthday was on a Friday she came home early from school because every Friday is a short day. She spent the early afternoon playing with friends and then came home to get dressed and ready to go out to dinner and then head over to the church for the baptism. We ate ... sushi ... her favorite. As the night came I could still see a panic in her and realized why. She doesn't do well with water and to be baptized you have to go all the way under. She was stressing so much about it I think it may have been hard for her to enjoy her day. The time had come and after seeing all her friends come to watch her and her uncle giving a talk it was time to go in the font. Let's just say the first time she had a stubborn toe that didn't want to go under. Travis said before she was breathing really heavy and he knew the second time her was going to have to give her a lot of help...push. The second time was the charm and then she could relax and enjoy the rest of the night. What a wonderful day it was. Our wish for our beautiful daughter is to always remember that day and how special she felt. To always stand for what is right and do her best in all things. We love you Mikayla! You are so talented and sweet. Happy Birthday Princess!

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