Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

School Time

Two of the four of us are in school now. Mikayla is now officially a first grader and is loving it very much. Two days before she was to start at Bloomington Elementary we received an e-mail telling us she was accepted into the Vista Charter school. It really stressed me out mainly because I thought they were also going to be starting in two days. After talking with the school on the phone and learning that Vista would start a week later we were left to make a quick choice. Everything seemed to push our discussion towards Vista and we decided to try it out. They provided us with all of her school uniforms for free and answered all of our concerns and put them to ease. The school is not finished so they are having to meet at the Dixie Center for the first two weeks. So, hopefully the week of September 7th will be the start of a new year in a new school. It is a little concerning that they offer so many electives leaving only half of the day in their homeroom with their teacher. How it works is the first through third graders travel and try all the electives and the fourth to sixth graders pick what they want to do. I am not sure how many they pick but if you want to focus on take those classes. They offer Musical Theater Technique, Technology A, Dance A, Visual Arts, Spanish, Voice/Piano/Strings, Musical Theater Technical, Physical Education, Technology B, Social Studies, Life Fitness and Dance B. We are hoping it will be a great year! Travis also started school this last Monday. We are excited that he has only one semester left, for now :) It has been a long week full of ups and downs and change. I am not an early morning person and have had to be just that. By 10:00 pm I am so exhausted. I have also learned that I need about 10 hours of sleep to function. That seems like a lot of sleep but that is what my body needs. The kids have taken the adjustment well but by the end of the week show major signs of a lack of sleep. It will just take time to adjust.
As you can see, Rylan wasn't to happy about Mikayla going to school but I finally got a smile out of him

Riot Rylan and Meditative Mikayla -OR- Raging Rylan and Merry Mikayla? Silly kids :)

1 comment:

Mom's Place said...

Oh! I didn't know that they were providing her uniforms! That must be such a relief!!!!! How is Travis liking his classes? What are they - he still hasn't said!

Sounds like it's going to be a busy year for you too. I right with you though....not a morning person at all!