OK, so this is more of a vent session than anything else and I am hoping it will help me feel better.
Sometimes people say and do things and it seriously makes me feel like I am back in high school. There were only a couple times I can remember drama plaguing my friends in HS but man...I thought those days were over. I struggle knowing the right thing to do when someone tells someone else something false about me. I have been faced with this kind of thing time and time again over the years and it is starting to make me want to cut myself off from the situation. But that is a whole lot easier said than done. Part of me wants to nip it in the butt and go straight to the source but the other part of me doesn't want to feed the drama and find out that that source really wasn't the source. I want to be Christ-like but I also want this to stop. I am tired of people believing what they hear and it makes me question if they really know me at all. I love peace and am a non confrontational person. I do not do well when people say things about me that are false and I don't do well with drama. I just wish I knew how to stop rumors and drama and create peace and love instead. Maybe one of these days I will know the secret to this problem but until then maybe I am just supposed to endure and not forget who I am. Life :)
Uggh! Same people again? Sorry you are going through this...AGAIN! Gee whiz! Some people need to grow up!
So sorry you have to deal with that. No fun at all. How are you feeling now? I am doing good. Best pregnancy yet so I am happy about that. Hope you guys are doing great. And can't wait to find out what you are having! I say Boy! Just cause that is what I want.
That's hard Amy, just don't let people take advantage of you or walk all over you, stick up for yourself! Easier said than done but do it while you have all those pregnancy hormones raging through your body! Call me if you need to talk!
Sometimes people are so inconsiderate! I know that sometimes we have to grow a hard shell, and that's easier said than done, and not always the right thing either.
what you need is for your brazen sister-in-law to do your dirty work for you. I need a good altercation.
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