since I have updated my blog :)
Let's see, Travis graduated with his associates a couple weeks ago. We are greatful to have hit this milestone. Now just to get his Bachelors done.
Mikayla has only two weeks left in the second grade. We have decided to pull her out of Vista and put her back in the public school system. There are just too many pros about taking her out of Vista it makes the choice easy.
Rylan went and had allergy testing done again, just the environmental. When they did it the first time he was too young and had a delayed result leaving us all wondering what he was allergic to. Out of the 24 test he is allergic to 17. Crazy. They give you a score for each test. The first number is the size of the welt and the second is the redness. His dairy and tree nut were a 5/5 and they were concerned enough to prescribe an epi-pen. Well, most of the environmental were the same numbers some slightly higher but one. The white ash tree he had a 10/20. The welt was about the size of a quarter. His whole back broke out in a bad rash for several days even with Px cream and benadryl. So now he is on double dose Zyrtec, vira mist and singular.
I am just plugging alone hoping time passes by quickly until our new arrival. No names have been picked yet for our little girl. It is a harder task than we ever imagined. I will update some more later. I have had this saved and on my screen for the last three days. :) I will publish it now :)
Good luck on the name picking. We were struggling with a boys name so good thing we are having a girl! So sad about Rylan and his allergies. I think they are the worst. Good luck with it.
Second grade?
Yes Sunnie...2nd grade and she is excited to see all her friends again.
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